I just found out about another blog you should check out that gave me more sources on the English obsession with weapon length. This blog gave me more details on weapon length by focusing on the works of Sir John Smythe over the course of 2 posts (1 and 2). Smythe says that the sword should be a yard in blade length and the dagger should have a 9 or 10 inch blade.
Chart summary (will also include sizing from time much later than previously covered)
Year | Source | Sword | Dagger | Other
1566 Law 40.5 in 1 ft buckler spike 2 in
1590/94 Smythe 1 yd 9-10 in axe 5-5.5 ft
1599/1604 Silver stature staff stature <8 ft
1603 Law
1617 Swetnam 4 ft 2 ft staff 7-8 ft
1711 Wylde staff 7 ft
1763 Angelo stature
1790 McGregor stature stature
1786-- Infantry 32.5 in
1789-- Cavalry 35 in