Here is a simple way to make a flail safe for HEMA, yet tough enough to feel through the equipment.
The haft is to be made of PVC pipe. The "chain" is to be made of a material such as paracord. The head should be a tennis ball.
First, thread the cord through the pipe. Tie a large knot where the base of the haft will be so the cord doesn't fly out when swung.
Let about 1 foot hang on the other end for the chain. For a chain-like appearance as well as being somewhat stiffer, tie an extra piece of cord with multiple spaced out knots.
For the head, pierce the tennis ball on two ends and feed the cord through it leaving about 2 inches to make another large knot for security. Then, poke 2 or 3 more slots to let it reduce impact on a strike.
The chain in between the head and haft should be less than 8 inches.
For grip and extra security of cord to haft, wrap the pipe in athletic tape going just above and below the haft covering the end knots.
